Clinical Trials, Papers and Studies Involving the Effectiveness of Silicone Gel in Managing Scars
- Mustoe, T. (2007). “Evolution of Silicone Therapy and Mechanism of Action in Scar Management”. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2008, 32:82-92
- Atiyeh, B. (2007). “Nonsurgical Management of Hypertrophic Scars: Evidence-Based Therapies, Standard Practices, and Emerging Methods. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2007, 31:468-492
- Mustoe, T., Cooter, R., Gold, M., Hobbs, F., Ramelet, A., Shakespeare, P., Stella, M., Teot, L., Wood, F., Ziegler, U. for the International Advisory Panel on Scar Management. (2002). “International Clinical Recommendations on Scar Management”. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, August 2002, 110(2): 560-571
- Borgognoni, L.( 2002). “Biological Effects of Silicone Gel Sheeting”. Wound Repair and Regeneration, March-April, 2002, 10(2): 118-121
- Gold, M., Foster, T., Adair, M., Burlinson, K., Lewis, T., (2001). “Prevention of Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids by the Prophylactic Use of Topical Silicone Gel Sheets Following a Surgical Procedure in an Office Setting”. Dermatologic Surgery, 27:641-644
- Chernoff, W., Cramer, H., Su-Huang, S.( 2007). “The Efficacy of Topical Silicone Gel Elastomers in the treatment of Hypotrophic Scars, Keloid Scars and Postlaser Exfoliation Erythema”. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2007, 31(3):495-500
- Li-Tsang, C., Lau, J., Chan, Y., Ho, M.( 2006). “A Prospective Randomized Clinical Trial to Investigate the Effect of Silicone Gel Sheeting on Posttraumatic Hypertrophic Scarring among the Chinese Population”. Burns, 32:678-683
- Majan, J.( 2006). “Evaluation of a self-adherent soft silicone dressing for the treatment of hypertrophic postoperative scars”. Journal of Wound Care, 15:193-196
- Chan, K., Lau, C., Adeeb, S., Somasundaram, S., Nasir-Zahari, M. (2005). “A Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind, Prospective Clinical Trial of Silicone Gel in Prevention of Hypertrophic Scar Development in Median Sternotomy Wound”. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 116:1013-1020
- de Oliveira, G., Nunes, T., Magna, L., Cintra, M., Kitten, G., Zarpellon, S., Raposo Do Amaral, C. (2001). “Silicone Versus Nonsilicone Gel Dressings: A Controlled Trial”. Dermatologic Surgery, 27:721-726
- Borgognoni, L., Martini, L., Chiarugi, C., Gelli, R., Reali, U. (2000). “Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids: Immunophenotypic Features and Silicone Sheets to Prevent Recurrences”. Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters, 8:164-169
- Cruz-Jorchin, N. (1996). “Effectiveness of Silicone Sheets in the Prevention of Hypertrophic Breast Scars”. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 37:345-348
- Sproat, J., Dalcin, A., Weitauer, N., Roberts, R. (1992). “Hypertrophic Sternal Scars: Silicone Gel Sheets Versus Kenalog Injection Treatment”. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 90:988-992
- Ahn, S., Monafo, W., Mustoe, T. (1991). “Topical Silicone Gel for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertrophic Scars. Archives of Surgery, 126:499-504
- Ahn, S., Monafo, W., Mustoe, T. (1989). “Topical Silicone Gel: A New Treatment for Hypertrophic Scars. Surgery 106:787-787